Those Were The Days ... Author : SHRIYANS CHANDAN MOHAPATRA

 Those Were The Days ...


Do you wish you could return to moments from your past?

Yes, I wish I could return memories from your past as those were the days. Many people say that growing up is the best part of life. But I disagree. Growing up means a smaller margin for errors, a necessity for seriousness and I just dislike all of those. The only positive about growing up Is total freedom. No one to stop from chasing your dreams except you yourself.

But then you need to mature and grow responsible, along with still obeying everyone; that is an expectation that others have of you. Meanwhile when you are a child; a chick whose egg has just cracked, your mistakes are turned into a laughingstock and your naughtiness are converted into a chance to snuggle into your mother’s safe hands. I tell you those were the days.

I sometimes feel as if I would give everything I have, even if it means my life to go back in time. Sometimes I feel if only everyone would grow the wrong way; down rather than would be so much better we would have a better time then.

But that does not mean it is possible, is it? Being able to that will mean that you have superpowers which only 1 out of a million have. As we grow people start being judgemental about us, we start working according to their thoughts instead of ours.

There is a song that reminds me of keeping away from this trap.

‘Kuch to log kahenge.

Logo ka kaam hain kehena ‘

So, bye guys, see you on the blog.

No.Of.Words -- 266


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