Water: The Most Precious Natural Wonder-Author : SASWATI INDRANIL BANERJEE

 Water: The Most Precious Natural Wonder


Hey friends! Your Sweet Saswati is back, and today, I am going to tell you about the most important natural wonder. Guess what that is....... Yes! It is water. Can you all tell me, what is water? If not, then it's okay, I will tell you all about it. So, let's not waste our precious time and start learning!

Water is one of the natural wonders, which is also known as 'hydrosphere' in geographical terms. Around 71% of Earth is covered with water. It is used for cooking, washing clothes and utensils, bathing, drinking, etc. Its chemical formula is H20. But nowadays, we can observe that we are getting fresh water in fewer amounts, whereas we are getting seawater in large amounts. Why is that so?? Because, nowadays, we are using excessive water and wasting it, because we don't understand the value of it. And also, when we drink water, we take more water than we need in our glasses. So, we drink half of it and waste another half of it. Hence, as a result, we don't get water and we cannot survive without it. And, we also play with water pipes and waste soooooooooo much water.

So, did you see? People nowadays waste water in many ways and as an overall result, they don't get water. And, I hope you all are aware of this thing that there are some villages, which don't get water for 24 hours. Why so?? Because we, living in cities, waste water, and the people living in villages don't get water. So, we should think about those people and use water wisely. So, let's now gain more knowledge about water.

Do you know, the states of water?? If no, then that's fine, so, when we convert liquid to solid, it is called freezing. I meant that when we keep water in our fridges, it turns into ice. Then, when we convert solid to liquid, it is called melting. This means that when we take out the ice and keep it for some time, then the ice slowly melts and turns back into the water. And when we convert liquid to gas, it is called evaporation. This means that when we keep water outside near the sun, the water forms into tiny water vapors and rises up in the sky. And many more!

Now, we will talk about water pollution and the ways to purify water. Water pollution takes place when we throw garbage and wash clothes in river water and we make it dirty. And then people use that water and get ill. And then, we also suffer from many diseases, such as diarrhea and jaundice. So bad, isn't it?? But don't worry, there is a way. So, to purify water, we first need a glass, then we put impurified water into the glass, then put iodine solution and put the stopwatch or timer for 30 seconds. Then, the water gets purified!

So, I hope you liked my blog. Will meet you soon!

No.Of.Words -- 495


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