Author : JUGAL SHETH Muddlehead is a person who is mentally disorganized or confused.


Muddlehead is a person who is mentally disorganized or confused.

So I had met a muddlehead in my life which was my neighbor
Once a neighbor came to me with his problem and lamented, “I m really troubled. I have a small house and it is getting difficult to fit my family consisting of my wife, three kids, and mother with me in that small house. You are a wise man. Do you have any advice for me??”

I replied, “Yes. I can help you but first, tell me do you have any chicken in your yards?”
The neighbor replied, “Yes, there are ten chickens.”

I asked him to put them in his house.

Hearing this neighbor replied, “But… I just told you that our house is already cramped.”

I still asked him to keep all those chickens in the house. Desperate to find a solution man followed my advice.

Next day neighbor again came to me and said, “Things got worse with chickens in house.. Because of this family is getting more troubled living in that house.”

I said, “You have a donkey right?? Now take that donkey of yours and keep him there in the house.”

Neighbor objected but I somehow convinced him to do it.

Next day neighbor again came to me even more distressed and said, “Now, my home is even more crowded. With all these animals in the house there is not even any place to move.”

I questioned, “Do you have any other animal in your yard??”
Neighbor replied, “Yes, we have a goat.”

I advised him to take that goat also to that small house. This time Neighbor refused to do so but even this time I convinced him to put even goat in that house.

Next day neighbor came back to me and exclaimed, “Everyone in family is really upset with me. Everyone is complaining of lack of space. Whatever you said to do is making our life more miserable.”

This time I said, “Don’t worry everything will be fine. Now take all the animal outside your house and keep them in yard.”

Neighbor did as advised. Next day he dropped by me and remarked,” Jugal your plan worked like charm. Now with all those animals out of house, it feels more spacious and all of us can’t help but being pleased and uncomplaining about space in house. I Am very thankful to you for all the help.

No.Of.Words -- 389


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