The World Of Quantum Mechanics Author : ROHAN MADANLAL CHAUDHARY
The World Of Quantum Mechanics
Hello there . Today I am going to write a blog on a science theory named as'quantum mechanics'. this is one of the theory which will confuse you that are you also solid or in waves . Actually this term quantum mechanics has many sub topics which makes it a confusing theory. So lets get sum information about lets get started:
Quantum mechanics is a theory of physics created by the scientists that gives us the description about the physical properties of nature at the basic point of atoms and subatomic particles. The image you can see is of ‘Quark’ which is the smallest discovered particle yet.
2:what if you known one thing but you cant see does not exist only
This means that suppose you are at your home and you are not able to see your school which is 300 m away from you means now that school does not exits at that particular period of time. It is in the form of waves .Think if the burger which you are eating is a burger also and at the same time also a cauliflower .At the same time. This means that “solidity is an elusion” this is a very famous quote in the world of science.
3:Quantum entanglement
lets suppose that there are two particle john and Lena when they come in contact ones and then when john is in his lab and we send Lena 1000km away from john then what will our common-sense say that as there is no relationship between them then they will not affect each other but in quantum world meaning of this phenomenon entanglement means that if the two particles have come in contact ones also then if the particle1 rotates clockwise in my lab and the paritcle2 is 1000km away from him then also that particle will move anticlockwise just because particle1 is moving clockwise. Means at the quantum level each and every particle is connected with each other .Not at the physical level but at the basic level of the universe.
That's all for today I hope you loved diving into the world of theories. Bye.~!!!
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