A Place Where My Pets Like To Spend Time Author : SRINAYANA RAO PONUGOTI

 A Place Where My Pets Like To Spend Time


Klaus And Caroline
Hey fellow Pet masters! I'm a master to 2 devils. Klaus and Caroline. Both of them are white Rabbits and love spending time with each other. But they are really picky about the places they like to be in. If you leave them in a room which they are not used to or which they dont like, they start panicking which eventually leads up to a loud "AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaaAaAa" From the room

1. My bedroom
Klaus and Carolinelovespending time in my room because that is where they usually sleep and say for the longest. Also, my room is completely Bunny proof i.e. The wires are wrapped with plastic so that these chewers dont spoil the wires, Their cage is in my room and there are carrots all over the place!

2. The park
Caroline likes spending time in the park by walking around or snoozing on my lap but Klaus would prefer nibbling on the grass, Sliding down the slide and swinging. One thing that is dangerous for My babies over there are the kids. Kids are always indulged in their games and dont seem to care if anyone is around. My only fear is that they would step on the rabbits which may lead to serious injuries or even death.

3. Thebalcony
Both of them love stalking the pigeons from the balcony. If there is too much heat around the house, we leave them in the balcony. They must never be left alone there since they might be able to nibble away those nets and fall straight out of the balcony.

So that is it for today guys I really hope you all know where to leave your bunnies if you every buy one. Make sure to buy 2 of them so that they would have a company to share their feelings with. And i will see you all in an another blog and until then GOODBYE!!

No.Of.Words -- 314


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