Laziness Is Our Biggest Enemy Author : Aditi Taparia

 Laziness Is Our Biggest Enemy

Author : Aditi Taparia

Hello readers! Hope you are doing well! How many of us are lazy like if we have to go to school and our mom says, “Wake up it’s time for the school” so many of us say, “Mom, 5 mins more or 10 mins more.” That means we are lazy to wake up.

If we have interest to do something, we don’t have laziness while if we feel boring, we get laziness. Laziness is one of the greatest enemies in our life, it sometimes come with fear also it pushes us to run away from certain actions. Like if we don’t run cycle it gets rust and then it stops working, our mind is like this only we became lazy and as a result our mind is not having any exercise. And then our mind and body gets rust. And technology is making us lazy like if we have to do shopping, we had to go out but now a days we can shop online and this is making us lazy day by day. And we want to achieve many things in our life but if we are lazy then our body gets rust and if we do small work also our body starts to pain and whole day is wasted like this only. Example- If we will bend also then our body will pain. The problem we face in our life, we try to run away from the problem. We try to run away from effort so effort is our real friend and laziness is our real enemy. So, we cannot achieve anything from laziness.

So, don’t be lazy. Hope you felt my blog informative if so, then please leave a comment. Thank you!

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