When Is Homework Helpful? Author : Anushri Thakur

 When Is Homework Helpful?

Author : Anushri Thakur

Everyone here can probably think of time when you've gotten home late barely able to keep your eyes open and you sit down at the pile of homework that lies ahead of you. If you're like me at this point you're probably questioning how much is this actually helping me. That is the question I set out to find the answer to. However as I started researching I realized it wasn't as clear -cut as I'd hoped. Actually there's no evidence that proves that homework is helpful or not helpful either way. On one side on Finland for example they've some of the highest test scores in the world and they give some of the least amount of homework but Finland is also a very economically homogeneous place and on the other side there is some correlation between public schools standardized test scores and the amount of homework given. So we're do I fall on this. Like most things I think that homework is not something that's good or that's bad, it's all about the way that we're giving homework and I think that there are three main factors that lead to the most helpful homework. The amount, the frequency and the type. The amount of homework that is recommended by the national Educational Association is something called the ten minute rule. Starting at first grade they recommend that you give ten minutes more of homework for a grade level at night. That would mean as a senior we'd be getting 120 minutes of homework. As you can probably see that's not usually followed in most schools but it's really important that it is because in math and science classes test scores actually go up with the amount of homework given but after a certain amount of time it decreases which means that homework too much homework actually is detrimental. That is one of the reasons for this is because too much homework leads to less time for extracurricular activities, exercise, family time and sleep which all would lead to a higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression and an excess level or actually leads to lower academic performance. The second point which is the the nature is basically the type of homework. You've probably heard the saying busy work Vs helpful work. Busy work is exactly what you'd imagine it, it's the pile of homework that's sitting in front of you of tedious amount of math problems that you just can't seem to get through them. While helpful work according to the association for supervision and curriculum development we should have a clear academic purpose such as practice, checking for understanding or applying knowledge or skill. It should be less homework on more pertinent detail that can really drill your understanding of a topic.

No.Of.Words -- 465


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