The Treasure Author : AADI KAPIL

 The Treasure


Trina was a bibliophile but the thousands of books she had still didn’t fulfil her love for books. She could read a hundred books in a day, but she was bored from the same thousands of books she had, she borrowed them from the library, read a thousand of them in two weeks in her school library, the knowledge was helping a lot, but not enough. She was 7 but she could read 5th grade books. There was apparently a treasure chest where you could get anything you wanted but there was a twist, it would test you if you are worthy of it. For example if you asked for a tv, it would test your eyes and movie knowledge, books would be GK. Trina not only loved studying and books but adventure too! She always thought the thick forest behind her house. It was only her and her dog who loved adventure. On a fine Saturday morning, she was ready for adventure. She wanted to go to the “Forbidden House” which wasn’t that “Forbidden” because it was just a celebrity’s house. She got her trekking gear ready and she was ready for adventure. On her way she saw a paper on a peepal tree. She took it and saw that it was a treasure map leading to the front yard of the forbidden house. She saw some random pink sheep on the way whos’ fleece was probably dyed. When she got to the place she found a big drill and which could easily make way for the treasure to be seen. And voila! She found the treasure after a long time. There was a massive gene who popper out when Trina opened the chest. The gene asked her what she wanted, and obviously she wanted an infinite book which would reset and do its magic when she finished reading it. The gene was concentrating on something when something fell from the sky, it was a trivia for Trina. She was exited to do it and quickly finished it, the paper crumbled on its own making a key which could fit the treasure chest and an infinite book was formed.

No.Of.Words -- 360


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