
Showing posts from November, 2020

Green Crackers : Say Yes To Diwali Author : Kshitij Raghuwanshi

  Green Crackers : Say Yes To Diwali Author : Kshitij Raghuwanshi Diwali is round the corner and the kids want to celebrate it in the most pompous and grand manner. They want to burst as many crackers as they could . But their parents and government don't want them to burst crackers this Diwali. What!!! So this Diwali, no crackers for kids!!! No, my dear friends you can use green Crackers and enjoy the Diwali. Crackers contains gunpowder and other combustible chemical which causes striking effects and when ignited, they explode producing light, heavy sound, and harmful gasses like sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide. The high decibel sound causes noise pollution and gasses emitted by the crackers cause air pollution. To control both these pollutions, government places a bann over the sale of fire crackers. To prevent pollution, there is a very good option of green Crackers which is developed by the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), includes flower pots, pe

Egyptian Myths

  Egyptian Myths Author : KUSH SANDEEP HARIANI As I described in my last blog, our world was shaped by myths. Every historical site has something reminiscent of these myths. This incudes Egypt, one of the oldest civilizations. Obelisks and pyramids were created due to myths, and their influence can be seen even today. Why, The Washington Monument and Victoria' Needle are obelisks, and the Musée de Louvre is a pyramid. In this blog I will tell you how the world began. At first there was a sea of nothing but Chaos, and in this Primordial soup, swam Apophis, the Serpent of Chaos. One day, from the Sea. rose an obelisk, and this was the first piece of land, and the symbol of Ma'at (Order). And from here rose Ra, the Embodiment of Order and the nemesis of Apophis. From him came two more gods, from his sneeze came Tefnut, goddess of rain, and from his breath came Shu, the god of wind and air. There were also other gods- Sekhmet-Goddess of illness and the first Eye of Ra, Sobek-The go

Inspiring Personalities

  Inspiring Personalities Author : AKSHAYA ANAND Some say that inspiring stories can’t change the world, I don’t believe that. I believe that some people’s stories can change the way people act and think. I’m going to be talking about women from all around the world whose stories have changed people. So, let’s get started. Johanna Nordblad:- Johanna was a free-diving champion. She loved diving underwater without the use of air tanks, she felt as if she was flying. Then one day she had a terrible leg accident, her leg was so badly broken that the doctors thought that they would have to remove it. The only way to save the leg was to plunge it into ice water. It was painful but her leg had slowly begun to heal, and Johanna had actually started to enjoy the feeling of the icy coldness. When she was strong enough, Johanna started to swim underneath the ice. If it hadn’t been for the accident, she would have never discovered her love for ice-diving. She says that a curse is a blessing in dis

The Last Of A Species Author : DHRUV VISHAL

  The Last Of A Species Author : DHRUV VISHAL Hello everyone! We all know that dinosaurs suffered extinction in just a day. There are many endangered species in this world, but none of them come close to the verge of extinction that the northern white rhino is on. There are only two of these species left on the whole planet. They are guarded 24/7 each day in Kenya! But the question is, can scientists save them? Let's see! In the 1950's, there were 2000 northern white rhinos, but now only two females remain. Their names are Najin and Fatu. The gravestones in this conservancy are memorials for the rhinos that were poached since 2004. Najin and Fatu are under the threat of being poached for their horns which has a market in the Middle East. A kilo of northern white rhino horns can go up to 6,500$ USD! Now these two female rhinos can do nothing but accept what fate poachers have put them into. But scientists believe that they may have found a solution! They say"Right now is a

Waitomo Glowworm Caves - The Gem Of New Zealand

  Waitomo Glowworm Caves - The Gem Of New Zealand Author : Arni Amusa We all love to travel. You must have traveled to numerous places but nothing can be compared to the beauty spot of New Zealand - The Waitomo Glowworm Caves. This awe-inspiring cave induces thousands of tourist every year . Tourists can visit by boat and enjoy a fantastic light show as they cruise through. This glowworm cave is located in the depths of the North Island Hills in New Zealand. The walls of this limestone cave are lined with an array of luminescent glowworms. This specific species of the glowworms that lives in the cave is absent anywhere else in the world. This species of worms is named as Arachnocampa luminosa. Glow worms  are the larvae (immature stage) of a small fly (Arachnocampa  luminosa ). The  larvae  stage is the only stage in their life cycle that can  glow . The colors may include red, yellow, orange, or even green! The adults are delicate flies. When the glow worm turns into an adult their li

“Laughter Is The Best Medicine.” Author : Aditi Taparia

  “Laughter Is The Best Medicine.” Author : Aditi Taparia Hello friends! Hope you are doing well! Before that I have 1 question for you, what is the eight lettered word that heals our pain, stress etc. Correct! Laughter. It’s a medicine for stress, pain. We can take it whenever we feel like. It’s priceless also it has no overdose or side-effects. One of the best feelings in the world that also brings so much of cheer to life is laughter. There is nothing that works faster in order to bring back mind and body into balance than a good laugh. A good hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress leaving our muscles relaxed. It is something that exhibits true happiness and zeal. It decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving our resistance power against diseases. It can improve our emotional health, find greater happiness. It increases the blood in our body and also the functioning of blood vessels. It creates positive vibes in


  DRAWING AND PAINTING GO TOGETHER LIKE BREAD AND BUTTER! Author : NEVAAN DOSHI What makes an artist? Is it a childhood spent drawing on the kitchen floor? Is it a unique style that they can call their own? Or simply the way they hold a brush… Every person has some talent hidden inside them which will be out some day or the other. Well when it comes to me I can’t say I am perfect but I am good at ‘Painting and Drawing’ It all started when I was just 2 years old with my dad teaching me how to draw a smiley. But he never thought that the walls our house would be my canvas. I used to draw wherever I want to, whether it may be the living room or the kitchen, I was just unstoppable. Though my dad regretted the idea of teaching me how to draw as he had to get our house painted once in six months but those became beautiful memories which he still talk and laughs about. Till then I only used crayons and colour pencils to draw but it was my 5th birthday which introduced me to painting with a gi

I am Learning English.

  Author :   SAI SUMEDH PANGA Have you ever heard some one gasp and correct you when you read out  "San Jose" as "San Jo-se" instead of "San hyo-se?" Did you ever get confused on the sound and the reason on how a certain spelling was assigned to a sound? Ex:  Tamizh- pronounced as "Tha-mi-rrha" Alapuzzha- pronounced as "Al-ah-pu-rrah" If you are wondering why I am asking these questions, then it is due to this  joke   that  appeared   in my  Gmail: " An Indian went to a US embassy to get a VISA. When officer asked where he was going to in USA, he replied, "San Jose!" The immigration officer corrected that 'J' in San Jose is pronounced as 'H.' The Officer continued: "So how long is your stay in San Jose?" The Indian: " Ma'am its for 7 months. From Hanuary to Huly." Funny!  Ain't it? or was it isn't it? It doesn't end there . Few prominent places also sound different -  Ed

Advantages of Extracurricular Activities.

  Advantages Of Extracurricular Activities..!!! Author : NISHI DOSHI Outside the standard framework of any educational curriculum, there are endless opportunities for students to learn new skills and ignite new passions. Am I right? Yes, of course!! Extracurricular activities are a vital element in any child's development, often building on lessons and learnings that begin during school hours. Undertaking extracurricular activities has far-ranging benefits that touch on many aspects of a child's development. Let's have a look at a few key reasons that why should you encourage your child to take something away from the classroom. LEARN NEW SKILLS:- Fundamentally, such activities allow your child to learn something that could stay with them for a lifetime. Directly, that skill could be the basis of a hobby or passion that enriches their life for many years. Everything from playing sports to learning an instrument could lead to hours spent doing something they enjoy. IMPROVED

Water: The Most Precious Natural Wonder-Author : SASWATI INDRANIL BANERJEE

  Water: The Most Precious Natural Wonder Author : SASWATI INDRANIL BANERJEE Hey friends! Your Sweet Saswati is back, and today, I am going to tell you about the most important natural wonder. Guess what that is....... Yes! It is water. Can you all tell me, what is water? If not, then it's okay, I will tell you all about it. So, let's not waste our precious time and start learning! Water is one of the natural wonders, which is also known as 'hydrosphere' in geographical terms. Around 71% of Earth is covered with water. It is used for cooking, washing clothes and utensils, bathing, drinking, etc. Its chemical formula is H20. But nowadays, we can observe that we are getting fresh water in fewer amounts, whereas we are getting seawater in large amounts. Why is that so?? Because, nowadays, we are using excessive water and wasting it, because we don't understand the value of it. And also, when we drink water, we take more water than we need in our glasses. So, we drink h