
Showing posts from December, 2020

Christmas Is Fun Author : PRAGNAY PRADEEP SHARMA

  Christmas Is Fun Author : PRAGNAY PRADEEP SHARMA Christmas is fun We all like Christmas and it is fun too. I am going to tell you some thing about Christmas 🎅. This is also birth of Jesus Christ Preparations for Christmas Christmas is a cultural festivity that entails a lot of preparations. It is a public holiday and so people get a Christmas break to celebrate it. Preparations for Christmas start early for most people so that celebrations begin on the eve of Christmas. Preparations for Christmas involves a lot of activities. People usually buy decorations, food, and gifts mostly for children in the family and friends. Some families shop for matching Christmas outfits for everyone. Presents are placed under the Christmas tree in wrapped gift boxes and are not to be opened until Christmas day. The church is also decorated for the special event. Thorough cleaning of the churches is also done to usher in Christmas. Songs and skits to be performed on Christmas day. But this time as we k


  The Joy Of Giving Author : DEVANSH VIKAS CHAMARIA Hello readers !!! This blog will be the most  interesting and joyful blog I have ever written in this year . This blog will make you very very very jolly so let us begin. Christmas is very near , before Christmas people donate their old shoes clothes etc to needy people which called the joy of giving and a quote says that the more you give the more you get .There are some more quotes I would like to share with you. 1]If you light a lamp for someone it'll also brighten your path 2]Giving is the master key of success. If you read these quotes you will notice that all the quotes are telling that if you give someone something you feel very happy. If you don't donate things to the needy try it on this Christmas you and the needy both will feel happy. This is all for me how was my blog pls write a comment and please like the blog .We will meet next week with some more  extraordinary blogs till then stay home stay safe stay tune. No.

The Funniest Experience Of My Life Author : Rhea prashant

  The Funniest Experience Of My Life Author : Rhea prashant Hello everyone, I am back with a new topic and today, I am going to tell you all the funniest experience of my life. Once, I was alone at home and was wondering what to do to pass my time. Then the most amazing idea came into my mind! As I was alone at home, I could do anything, so I decided to do a fashion show inside my own house. I dived into my cupboard, closed my eyes and randomly chose out things from the assortment of clothes I had. I changed into those clothes and looked into the mirror, I burst out laughing. I looked so funny! For my weird outfit I had chosen a small blue skirt and a long full sleeved shirt with mickey mouse socks and a hairband with reindeer ears. I could not stop laughing. Then I thought of the perfect thing that could complete this weird outfit- sunglasses! I hunted for my glasses but couldn't find them. Then I went into my mother's closet and got out her glasses. They were ridiculously big

The Legend Of The Christmas Tree Author : PRAVIT SAHU

  The Legend Of The Christmas Tree Author : PRAVIT SAHU Hi.................... @PravitSahu here. Today I am writing a short story on the legend of christmas tree. Read it and find it out. The Legend of The Christmas Tree Two little children were sitting by the fire one cold winter's night. All at once they heard a timid knock at the door, and one ran to open it. There, outside in the cold and the darkness, stood a child with no shoes upon his feet and clad in thin, ragged garments. He was shivering with cold, and he asked to come in and warm himself. "Yes, come," cried both the children; "you shall have our place by the fire. Come in!" They drew the little stranger to their warm seat and shared their supper with him, and gave him their bed, while they slept on a hard bench. In the night they were awakened by strains of sweet music and, looking out, they saw a band of children in shining garments approaching the house. They were playing on golden harps, and the a

The Highest Post Office - PIN 172114 Author : ANJALI WARIER

  The Highest Post Office - PIN 172114 Author : ANJALI WARIER In this digital world, what is the value of a normal hand written letter? Well, you would know if you visit Hikkim, which claims to have the highest post office in the world. The world’s highest post office is located in Hikkim, Himachal Pradesh at an elevation of 14,400 feet. It is 46 km from Kaza – the nearest town connected by road. This post office connects small villages of this region to the rest of the world. The postal index number (PIN) is 172114. Apart from receiving and sending letters, it also acts as a savings bank where villagers can deposit or withdraw money. The post office is forced to shut during winter months due to heavy snowfall. Rinchen Chhering has been the post master in this post office since it’s inception in 1983. The credit for establishing and running this post office goes to Rinchen. The postmen in this post office have to be fit as they have to undertake a 46 km everyday along the mountain pass

A Route To Happiness................ Author : NAMYA PODISETTI

  A Route To Happiness................ Author : NAMYA PODISETTI Once upon a time in the cities of Australia their lived a Happy family . Tina a girl studying in a college was a bright student and here mom and dad were very proud of her. Instead of studies Tina was also interested in art , She even wanted to go to 'Pairs' which was a city of art . But she never knew that her this dream would come true !! The college she was studying gave a chance to Tina to do her higher studies in Pairs her dream place . Tina was really happy so do her mom and dad ..... Tina had left for Pairs although she felt sad by staying away from their parents but she was very excited for visiting Pairs . Two - Three days before the college started Tina had a chance to to take a tour of Pairs , Tina was amazed by looking at the art Master Paintings of art not only this she felt it very awesome by looking at Fashion Designing and Designers of Pair . She wanted to know more about it by researching and askin

Santa's New Job. Author : SUVAN PANICKER

  Santa's New Job. Author : SUVAN PANICKER Hey guys, Today I thought I might share Some Interesting Stories on Santa's Job. But Fair Warning, The First story might not be that suitable for kids. If you enjoyed this blog please become the dictator of your country and make people read my blog, as it would really help spread the good word about my blogs. 1. For the streets of Peru, Santa Claus chose an alternate mode of entry. Instead of riding in on a sleigh, he busted doors along with his companion elf. Drugs-squad members in Lima, disguised as Santa Claus and an elf, captured a suspected cocaine and dope dealer as part of the Peruvian police's anti-drug operation. The undercover sting operation was staged and filmed by the Peruvian cops, and the video has since gone viral. And guys please stay hydrated during  winter  as The effects of dehydration can be worse during winter which makes it important to keep yourself hydrated. During winter , there are higher chances of catch

Jenny's First Day To School Author : EKKOM ARORA

  Jenny's First Day To School Author : EKKOM ARORA Hello Friends, how are you all doing? I am super fine. Should I ask a question to you? How many of you guys are missing school? I know many of you must but we can't go to school so let's hear a story only. which is related to school. So without wasting time Let's begin with today's story....... There was a girl named Jenny. Her father was very rich and they lived in a very big house with her brother and mother. One day her father and her family shifted to another city. She was very excited to visit her new house. The new house was as big as the old house. Then after some days when her family settled down in their new house her father told her that from tomorrow your school will start. When she listened this she got a bit nervous because it was a new school, new friends and new atmosphere. It was the next day and got ready for her school. She packed all the school supplies she need and her food and water. Now she was

My Life Without Friends Author : Aditi Taparia

  My Life Without Friends Author : Aditi Taparia Title – My life without friends. Hello readers! “Good friends are like stars, you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.” I am back to with a new blog. Could you guess my topic? Yes! Correct! My life without friends. I have a question for you. What if there were no friends? It would be boring. Not interesting. A life without friends is like a day without sun. If I would have no friends then I couldn’t communicate, it would be so boring and not much interesting also lonely. But Friends should be true friends i.e., whenever we need them, they are always there for us. So, friends should be chosen carefully. To find a good friend who is loving, caring, helpful, honest, loyal, and most important compatible. This is the biggest achievement of us which we get in the form of a true friend. Undoubtedly, we always learn something new and exciting in the company of our good friends. Friendship should be like Lord Krishna and Arju

Christmas Author : Gaurav Sai Pant

  Christmas Author : Gaurav Sai Pant There’s something special about Christmas and kids look forward to this festival the most. And why shouldn’t they? After all, they get gifts from Santa Claus. But there’s more to Christmas than gifts and decorating the house. Your kids will have Christmas holidays and will most likely spend their time playing. How about this time you share with them some amazing facts and some recipes about Christmas? 1. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is an annual Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. The 25th day of December was chosen to mark His birthday by the Roman Catholic Church years after His death. And this Christian holiday is celebrated by Christians all over the world. 2 Christmas trees were first used by ancient Egyptians and Romans The origin or the use of Christmas trees goes way back to ancient Egyptians and Romans. They used evergreen trees like fir or pine trees, wreaths, and garlands. And the use

The World Of Quantum Mechanics Author : ROHAN MADANLAL CHAUDHARY

  The World Of Quantum Mechanics Author : ROHAN MADANLAL CHAUDHARY Hello there . Today I am going to write a blog on a science theory named as ' quantum mechanics'.   this is one of the theory which will confuse you that are you also solid or in waves . Actually this term quantum mechanics has many sub topics which makes it a confusing theory. So lets get sum information about lets get started: WHAT IN REAL IS QUANTAM MACHENICS. Quantum mechanics is a theory of physics created by the scientists that gives us the description about the physical properties of nature at the basic point of atoms and subatomic particles. The image you can see is of ‘Quark’ which is the smallest discovered particle yet. .. 2:what if you known one thing but you cant see does not exist only This means that suppose you are at your home and you are not able to see your school which is 300 m away from you means now that school does not exits at that particular period of time. It is in the form of w

The Black Cats Author : Kshitij Raghuwanshi

  The Black Cats Author : Kshitij Raghuwanshi We all have heard about the Indian army protecting the borders of our country. But what if, there is an attack inside our country? One batch of police is not enough to save our country. Then how did we save the country in the 26/11 attack? It's because of the national security gaurd(NSG) or the 'Black Cate'. The NSG was established in the wake of 1984 Operation Blue Star, and the high collateral damage to the golden temple, and civillian and military collateral casualties. Since its founding the NSG has been used in Punjab in 1986 and Jammu and Kashmir. NSG it has been modelled on the British special air service as well as Germany's GSG 9 with its headquarters at mehram Nagar, Palam. In response to the criticism due to time taken by NSG units to arrive in November 2008 Mumbai attacks, from its base in Manesar, Haryana, the MHA decided to deploy NSG contingent in major cities across India like Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and C

Television In Our Daily Life Author : HETAKSHI KAKKAD

  Television In Our Daily Life Author : HETAKSHI KAKKAD Friends lend me your ears, my name is Hetakshi and I am just like you. Friends do you like watching television? A television set today is considered as much a part of any household as refrigerate or a cupboard. It has become one of the most widespread forms of entertainment. Not only does it provide entertainment, but also allows us to access a great variety of information and happenings around the world.There are several channels that provide movies,music,fashion,sports or news. This has given rise to a tendency for Channel surfing especially teenagers. They cannot concentrate on anyone program.There are channels that beam programs tewnty-four hours a day. Whereas this may be a boon for people who do not have much time to do any way, it becomes a source of distraction for children for whom priority should be their studies. If parents do not monitor the programs and time spent by children in front of TV.,there is a bound to be a n

Author : JUGAL SHETH Muddlehead is a person who is mentally disorganized or confused.

  Author :   JUGAL SHETH Muddlehead is a person who is  mentally disorganized or confused. So I had met a muddlehead in my life which was my neighbor Once a neighbor came to me with his problem and lamented, “I m really troubled. I have a small house and it is getting difficult to fit my family consisting of my wife, three kids, and mother with me in that small house. You are a wise man. Do you have any advice for me??” I replied, “Yes. I can help you but first, tell me do you have any chicken in your yards?” The neighbor replied, “Yes, there are ten chickens.” I asked him to put them in his house. Hearing this neighbor replied, “But… I just told you that our house is already cramped.” I still asked him to keep all those chickens in the house. Desperate to find a solution man followed my advice. Next day neighbor again came to me and said, “Things got worse with chickens in house.. Because of this family is getting more troubled living in that house.” I said, “You have a donkey right??

Believe In Yourself Author : VRINDA SHAH

  Believe In Yourself Author : VRINDA SHAH Once there lived a young girl named Ruhi. She was quite studious, diligent, benevolent, courteous, and hardworking. One day she found a poster of class president. She really thought it was great so she decided to run as a candidate. When she was registering herself down the teacher said that she would be running against Ravi who was a tough opponent. Even though the teacher told her this she replied " It's completely fine. I'm not scared of any other candidate, since I believe in myself. " After that she practiced hard for the debate and ran a clean campaign unlike Ravi . He used to spread rumors about Ruhi. The students already had a special bond with Ravi and hence believed everything that he said even if it was false. This made Ruhi quite depressed, since she knew that Ravi wasn't going to help the students after he was elected and would just enjoy the position and superiority which he would receive. Days passed by and