
Showing posts from February, 2021

"Protect The Poor" Author : DHYANAVI SHAH

  "Protect The Poor" Author : DHYANAVI SHAH Superpowers- every body whether it be a 76 year old grandma or 13 year old child, wished of having a superpower. And I totally understand why, I am who doesn't like being cool and show-off their superpowers!? Well many of the times having superpowers are a bit impossible! Don't hate me but it's the fact. Though, you can still wish of having a superpower! But do you know, having superpowers is not that difficult! In fact many people actually have had superpowers in the past. And we call those 'people' "scientists" and the 'superpowers' "inventions" ! Now well, superpowers and inventions are not that different than each other as much as they sound.. Inventions is just the scientific and the possible word given the superpowers. Now I want you to think a bit hard at what superpower you want, and then you just have to invent to machine that can actually give you that superpower. And that ma

The Man Who Got Tensed Author : SINDHU HEGDE

  The Man Who Got Tensed Author : SINDHU HEGDE Hey all , How are you all doing ? Well are you getting bored at home ? I am getting very bored after my studies and classes because everyone is busy at home and are becoming lazy sitting at home 24 hours . And you know one thing , sitting at home I have learnt to read many comic and fictional story books , and my favorite fictional story is " The man who got tensed at a situation". So are you ready to read this fictional moral story ? Well , you will be as every kid loves to read and hear stories , So without wasting any time lets get started πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰!! Once upon a time there was a man named Sam and Sam lived with his family in New york (United States of America ) . In a hot sunny day , Sam was getting ready to go to the office . When he reached his office it was 11.00 am and his boss was very angry at him for coming , so his boss fired him for coming late .. Then he returned to his house with a tensed and sad face , he was tensed be

Every Problem Has A Solution Author : MEHAR SACHDEVA

  Every Problem Has A Solution Author : MEHAR SACHDEVA Two boys named Raj and Rahul planned a trip to Jammu and Kashmir with their family. On their way to Jammu and Kashmir Raj dad told them that the northernmost state in India, Jammu and Kashmir, is the main center for commercial walnut production in India. These plantings produce around 60,000 tonnes of walnuts worth an estimated 25 million Rupees. Both Boys got excited to know this fact and thought of visiting the walnut plantation. Next day they plan a trip of tracking for both. They start walking and enjoying the nature valley but after long walking they could not find any tree and felt disappointed. Suddenly Rahul saw a nut on the ground which looks like a walnut and got excited and he shouted Raj come here I saw the walnut. Rahul said its mine as I saw it first however Raj said I picked it first, so it is mine and they started fighting there. A passenger named john passing from there and saw them fighting. Upon seeing the quarre

How Would You Help Your Friend And Relatives In Difficult Situations Author : KAAVYA BIMAL RAMANI

  How Would You Help Your Friend And Relatives In Difficult Situations Author : KAAVYA BIMAL RAMANI Hello friends I hope you all are fit and fine! Today you all might be thinking that why did I use the words fit and fine . Absolutely correct! That’s because today I am going to share one of the difficult situations of my life, which would help you know how should we help our friends and relatives when they are in trouble . So let’s get started! One Sunday afternoon me and my friend Vaishvi were swinging on the swing and suddenly Vaishvi’s hand slipped and she fell down badly and got a deep wound on her leg . She was sobbing and I couldn’t see her like that so I tried to calm her down and tried to remember my science lessons in which it was written that neem leaves heel the deepest wounds ever so I took some neem leaves and covered the wound with them soon the pain was gone but still she couldn’t walk properly so I called her mother from my neighbor’s phone and told that she has got hurt
  Volcanoes! BOOOOOOM! Author : AADI KAPIL Volcanoes the massive mountains that have watery super hot fire and fire rocks. That's what I thought when I first saw them. Yes they are extremely dangerous. The largest volcano in the world is Mauna Loa. There are three types of volcanoes, composite, shield and dome.  Composite volcanoes, are steep sided cones formed from layers of ash and  lava . The  flow can travel down the side of a volcano at very high speeds with temperatures over 350 degrees celsius and can rise over 7900 feet. Shield volcanoes are low with gently sloping sides and are formed from layers of lava. Eruptions are normally non-explosive. Shield volcanoes produce fast lava that can flow very far. They can destroy buildings, but injury in humans is rare. Dome volcanoes have much steeper sides than shield volcanoes. Lava is very thick and sticky so it cools and hardens easily. I have never seen a volcano in the front of my eyes. Only in photos. Have you ever??? PEACE! No

The Golden Moments Author : Atharva Goswami

  The Golden Moments Author : Atharva Goswami Hi Viewers, Today I am going to tell you about the moments which make us happy and nostalgic. Hope you enjoy it !! You all would remember when you were a 4-5-year-old kid and used to roam around like a bird, we used to mess the te things around and get our moms on work We all would break glass, don't drink milk, don't eat food, throw our toys down the building, running around, throwing stones and pebbles on others, teasing someone, snatching toys from other friends and eat food spilling half of it down. It was a lot of fun to play with our friends for hours, eating food from our mother's hand, sleeping beside our mum, and asking our father a new toy every day Remembering those moments made us feel happy and think of doing it again but it's not possible as we are grown-ups now. Those days were the happiest moments in our life also the most important one when our parents just did whatever we wanted and we used to rule the home

Do You Wish You Could Return To Moments From Your Past? Author : PAAVAN PAREKH

  Do You Wish You Could Return To Moments From Your Past? Author : PAAVAN PAREKH Hey everyone it is Paavan here and again with one ore awesome topic for writing the blog , and that awesome topic is " Do you wish you could return to moments from your past? " , So Let's Begin !! I would like to tell you some moments that are the funniest of my childhood. 1) So i was in Nursery when this Happened , SO there was a normal Annual Function of our school and we the small kids of nursery where selected for it and we did two days practice at the practice i was doing very well dancing so my position was in the first row , and then on the third day i was cool , like usual i went in the school bus and at that day the the function was not at school it was in a ground , so the school bus was taking us somewhere else so i asked my class teacher and she told us we are going for our annual function i was shocked i didn't even know what was Annual function , i thought it would be some t

My First Gold Medal Author : SHREYAS IYER

  My First Gold Medal Author : SHREYAS IYER I was seven years old. At that time, I had not shifted to Mumbai yet. So I used to study in Kolkata. My school held an elocution competition every year. I was a quite good speaker so my mom encouraged me to sign up. My best friend was also competing, and he was a very good speaker. We just had to learn a poem and recite it with a good expression. I was good at these things. Our school librarian was the ones helping us with the competitions. The fun part was that everyone was given different poems with different difficulties. My best friend and I both got a long poem. But the words were easy to recite, so it was not a problem. To be honest, I did not care about the competition the first day. But then my mom pushed me to do it. When I kept on practicing, I kept getting better at it. I was getting a lot fun for me. But I was one step behind my friend. He had already learnt the poem in 2 days. I lost my confidence. It felt like a dead end for me.

My Favorite Childhood Show...πŸ‘» Author : NISHI DOSHI

My Favorite Childhood Show...πŸ‘» Author : NISHI DOSHI Children have the purest minds and souls. From the first years of their lives, parents serve the values during this period which are extremely important for their development. TV shows and characters have huge influence over children's thoughts and behavioural patterns. I am sure that everyone must have watched cartoons in their childhood and also must be imitating them. Today, I going to talk about my favorite childhood show. I have watched many childhood shows and not only one but I have many which are my favorite. Wanna know them? Lets see. 𝕋𝕆𝕄 𝔸ℕ𝔻 𝕁𝔼ℝℝ𝕐: I would like to thank the creators of this sensational cartoon show "Tom and Jerry". This show has a special place in my heart. It will be a lie if someone says that they don't like Tom and Jerry. Well talking about the storyline of the show, Tom is the name of the pet of the house owner, and in that house, there is a mouse called Jerry. Jerry is my favo

Those Were The Days ... Author : SHRIYANS CHANDAN MOHAPATRA

  Those Were The Days ... Author : SHRIYANS CHANDAN MOHAPATRA Do you wish you could return to moments from your past? Yes, I wish I could return memories from your past as those were the days. Many people say that growing up is the best part of life. But I disagree. Growing up means a smaller margin for errors, a necessity for seriousness and I just dislike all of those. The only positive about growing up Is total freedom. No one to stop from chasing your dreams except you yourself. But then you need to mature and grow responsible, along with still obeying everyone; that is an expectation that others have of you. Meanwhile when you are a child; a chick whose egg has just cracked, your mistakes are turned into a laughingstock and your naughtiness are converted into a chance to snuggle into your mother’s safe hands. I tell you those were the days. I sometimes feel as if I would give everything I have, even if it means my life to go back in time. Sometimes I feel if only everyone would gr

Does Homework Help Your Studies Author : ADVIK SINHA

  Does Homework Help Your Studies Author : ADVIK SINHA Hello Readers!! All us students  HATE  Homework. But does it help us? Of course, it does! Homework is a way of knowing how attentive you are in class. It also helps us when we don't understand something as it then gives us the opportunity to search about it and then thrive to know more about it which gives us more other words we gain knowledge! This will help us in our studies. Another way in which we gain knowledge from our homework is that sometimes, the teacher tells us to research on a given topic for homework and then the next day in class we all have different information to share and we learn a lot more than just our perspective, and it opens up our mind. As my mother says, whether you cry or laugh while doing your homework, you are going to have to do it either way, so why not enjoy the process of learning and make in unique? After all, it will help you sometime in your life! See you in my next blog. #S

What's The Most Challenging Assignment You've Ever Had? Author : YUVRAJ AGARWAL

  What's The Most Challenging Assignment You've Ever Had? Author : YUVRAJ AGARWAL As soon as I hear the word 'competition' I get serious and start doing everything that I can do for it. You all also must have attended at least 3 to 4 competitions. Even I have attended many of them. Some were like learning ABC and some were as difficult as nailing jelly to a tree. But the most difficult competition I found was spekathon. Do you all want to know what difficulties I faced during the competition. Ok, so let’s see. My school conducted the competition speakathon or we can say creative think and talk. In it we are given topics and we have to talk on it. The challenging thing I found was that we will get the topics on spot! We are not getting enough time to prepare on it. It was really hard for me to chose one topic by however I chose the topic which I found easy and I spoke on it. Luckily, I got selected for finals between other branches. I had butterflies in my stomach during

When Is Homework Helpful? Author : Anushri Thakur

  When Is Homework Helpful? Author : Anushri Thakur Everyone here can probably think of time when you've gotten home late barely able to keep your eyes open and you sit down at the pile of homework that lies ahead of you. If you're like me at this point you're probably questioning how much is this actually helping me. That is the question I set out to find the answer to. However as I started researching I realized it wasn't as clear -cut as I'd hoped. Actually there's no evidence that proves that homework is helpful or not helpful either way. On one side on Finland for example they've some of the highest test scores in the world and they give some of the least amount of homework but Finland is also a very economically homogeneous place and on the other side there is some correlation between public schools standardized test scores and the amount of homework given. So we're do I fall on this. Like most things I think that homework is not something that'

My Favorite Childhood Show And Characters Author : KYRA LOKESH LOHIYA

  My Favorite Childhood Show And Characters Author : KYRA LOKESH LOHIYA Hello everyone, my name is Kyra Lohiya. Cartoon is animated illustration of any character such as animal or a person and its generally prepared in a comic plot with a funny storyline. It is the favorite of every person during childhood and all of us can relate to it. Cartoons make you laugh, lighten up the mood instantly and help in forgetting all worries. When I was small my favorite cartoon and the most amused cartoon characters were Tom and Jerry. Tom and Jerry got first released as "Puss Gets The Boots" in the year 1940, which was also nominated for Academy Award for Short Cartoons. TOM AND JERRY, the moment you hear these names you can see a flash of pictures of a cat and a mouse in your mind automatically. The theme of the cartoon series is Tom, a grey colored, short haired cat that chases Jerry, a brave and cute, chocolate brown mouse. They both live in the same house. Jerry comes to steal somethin

Do You Wish You Could Return To Moments From Your Past? Author : PAAVAN PAREKH

  Do You Wish You Could Return To Moments From Your Past? Author : PAAVAN PAREKH Hey everyone it is Paavan here and again with one ore awesome topic for writing the blog , and that awesome topic is " Do you wish you could return to moments from your past? " , So Let's Begin !! I would like to tell you some moments that are the funniest of my childhood. 1) So i was in Nursery when this Happened , SO there was a normal Annual Function of our school and we the small kids of nursery where selected for it and we did two days practice at the practice i was doing very well dancing so my position was in the first row , and then on the third day i was cool , like usual i went in the school bus and at that day the the function was not at school it was in a ground , so the school bus was taking us somewhere else so i asked my class teacher and she told us we are going for our annual function i was shocked i didn't even know what was Annual function , i thought it would be some t

What's The Most Challenging Assignment You've Ever Had? Author : THEJOMAYA KRISHNA SANATH

  What's The Most Challenging Assignment You've Ever Had? Author : THEJOMAYA KRISHNA SANATH Hello, hello, hello. What are the most challenging assignments I have ever taken? Well, let's see. Now I have to think what are the most challenging assignments I have ever done. But I know one challenging  toy  assignments I have ever done. I will also say one toy assignment I  will  do . 1. I have done the Lego Racing Ferrari F430 14 challenge. One of the big lego sets with 500 pieces. It can open its bonnet and its trunk. 2. I  will  do the 2nd most significant set, Lego Land Rover Defender. Which has 3000 pieces!!! Now I will say my challenging assignment No. 2. I have done the Spellbee competition. 4 levels and I won it in my 3rd standard. Also full in 3rd grade. It was very hard. I still did it. This one's latest:- 3. I won the Marathi singing competition. I came  first  in  the Intra competition! I came 3rd in Inter competition, but I came  first  in  the whole school!! It

Do You Wish You Could Return To Moments From Your Past? Author : SAI SUMEDH PANGA

  Do You Wish You Could Return To Moments From Your Past? Author : SAI SUMEDH PANGA Hi friends, Everyone wishes that they could return to memorable moments of their past. Even I do. Today I wish to narrate those moments from my past which I wish could come again. I like traveling a lot. You may have noticed in the so many travel blogs I posted. But now a days I am unable to travel much. While COVID and the restrictions are one reason the other being sudden assignments and exams that are conducted on a Saturday. I dream of returning to those days and relive the moments where I used to travel a lot and experience new place, the joy of ride, food, tourist places, loads of photographs and the time with my parents. Before coming to Mumbai, we were based in Chennai. While at Chennai, since I was in nursery, I was supposed to learn nursery rhymes and alphabets. I had not to worry about Homework or assignment or a Test. This was a perfect setting to plan and rush on a weekend holiday or extend

Supernatural Powers Author : ATHARVA SANDHYA GAIKWAD

  Supernatural Powers Author : ATHARVA SANDHYA GAIKWAD Supernatural beliefs have existed in many cultures throughout human history. Surprisingly, the ratio of the people who believe in the presence of such powers in the south Asian countries is more than the rest of the world. Supernatural powers are a rare phenomenon in which only a few people have. All powers and abilities, whether you call them “supernatural” or “natural” are developed in accord with natural laws. These laws to go beyond the world of common physics and move into the realm of quantum physics. They are the Laws of the Mind and Spirit, and they can easily and effortlessly over-ride the known laws of physics which relate to the physical dimension of experience. Indian mythology is also full of legends who could go invisible, heal by touch, fly in the air or walk on the water because of certain “siddhis” and boons that they had attained. Religious miracles are typically supernatural claims as are spells and curses, divin

The Dark Origins Of Valentine's Day Author : AKSHAYA ANAND

  The Dark Origins Of Valentine's Day Author : AKSHAYA ANAND Valentine’s day is the day to celebrate romance and love, but did you know that the origins of Valentine’s day are dark and murky? Today, I’m going to tell you about the origins of Valentine’s day. So, let’s dive in. From February 13 th  to 15 th , the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. The men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain. The Roman romantics were drunk and naked. Young women would actually line up for the men to hit them, they believed this would make them fertile. The ancient Romans may also be responsible for the name of our modern day of love. Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on February 14 th  of different years in the 3rd century A.D. Their martyrdom was honoured by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day. Later, Pope Gelasius I muddled things in the 5th century by combining St. Vale

Describe A Day When Everything Went Wrong Author : MEGAN AGUIAR

  Describe A Day When Everything Went Wrong Author : MEGAN AGUIAR Hello readers!! Have you ever felt that the universe is against you?? Well a day had come when everything went wrong so let me tell you’ll about what happened on that faithful day…………………………So it was going to be my grandmas birthday in two days and I wanted to plan a surprise birthday party for her, I mean come on who does not like a surprise party? So my parents said we’ll think about it and if anyone says “ I’ll or we’ll think about it ” it usually means NO I was so sad the entire morning but then thought at least I can bake grandma a delicious cake. When I went into the kitchen I went through every single drawer, cupboard and fridge and could not find I baking tool even though my mother bakes different things it was like she knew I was going to bake and so she hid everything including the milk and eggs and the entire time I was sad until lunch time, when I was eating lunch I thought why can’t I order some food with my

The Invention Which According To Me Changed The Whole World Author : SHREYA ABHIJEET JETLY

  The Invention Which According To Me Changed The Whole World Author : SHREYA ABHIJEET JETLY The Invention Which According to Me Changed the Whole World Hello everyone, today I’ll b e telling you about the invention that  according to me  changed the whole worl d.  So many inventions have been made till now. But one invention, brought a drastic change in people . The Invention of Mobile. Let me tell you more about this inv ention. Just after the mobile was invented, people used to use it less. But after 1 or 2 years, they  started using it so much that t hey started forgetting the letters which they used to send. They started sending messages to friends and family.T hey also didn’t need to meet anyone personally. They could just dial the number and talk to anyone they want.  The mobiles then started updating and the people could  even do video calls and see each other.  The mobiles then started having games in it. People cou ld play games to pass tim e o r even to get refreshed.  Now,

What Are The 3 Things I Cannot Live Without And Why... Author : DHRUVI UPADHYAY

  What Are The 3 Things I Cannot Live Without And Why... Author : DHRUVI UPADHYAY ♥Hello readers! Can you live without your friends or family? Of course, NO! But, if you had 3 things to choose, the things you cannot live without, what would they be? Why? Today, I will tell any 3 things I cannot live without and why. So, hang on tight! The jet plane is about to take a very big nosedive! Hmm....if I had to choose 3 things, the first would be my family and friends. They are my life and without them I cannot live at all! My family is everything to me, and of course, my friends, if I left them, I would be broken in pieces! πŸ‘ΈπŸ»πŸ€΄πŸ»Friends and family support you in hard times. I believe that out of 100 friends, only 1 is a true friend! The second is music, because music is my favourite thing to do! I love music, and I cannot live without it! Imagine a life, full of loneliness and gloomy...if there was no music...🎢🎡🎼 I would've been heartbroken! Instruments, songs, everything would be

What Are The Things You Cannot Live Without? Author : AADI KAPIL

  What Are The Things You Cannot Live Without?   Author : AADI KAPIL I have a lot of things thing that I'm attached to. But only some things that I cannot live without. The first 'person' is my mom. A day or two is fine but not more than that. She takes care of me, helps me with my homework, narrates stories to me and scolds me. Next is my brother, yes my younger brother. I can't sleep without him. Even thought I ignore him sometimes and "HE" hits me sometimes, but still I can't live without him. Then, is my dad. He is the one who gets me all the things I want. Because of his work he has to go here there but I still can't live more than a month and a half. without him. Now for the 'things'. I can't live without my medals and my trophy. Before my tests and competitions I need to have a look at them, get motivated and say, "This is too less let's get more and GOOOO!" Last but certainly not the least would be.... the tech stuff!

How To Be A Good Friend Author : VIHAAN SUNEET DESAI

  How To Be A Good Friend Author : VIHAAN SUNEET DESAI How can you be a good friend ? It seems like such a simple thing. Most people would say friends need to be real and genuine, but being a good friend and staying in someone's life takes a bit more than that. There are no hard and fast rules for making friends, but here are few ways I have listed below to be a good one. Loyalty :-When we are loyal we support each other and are committed. Be Honest :- Honesty is absolutely essential for a trusting relationship. Supportive :- When we are supportive in any circumstances we provide encouragement, emotional and sometimes even physical help. Dependable :-  Good friends are dependable which means they are trustworthy, reliable and can be counted on to stand beside you. Generous :- G ood friend is generosity.  Showing a readiness to give anything, anytime and anywhere to others. Forgiving :- T his is the most important quality. Love and forgiveness go hand in hand. To experience great lo

Day In A Student's Life Author : DEVARSH PAREKH

  Day In A Student's Life Author : DEVARSH PAREKH Day in a student's life Hi guys I know what you be thinking. You are thinking which type of day. Your answer is here, we are going to talk on a special day! Every student has a special day. Even I had. I am going to share my special day. If you all too want to share your special days then tell me in comment box. A special day  could be a birthday or some other holiday, yet when the years pass through and through, it won't be a holiday or a birthday that you remember all day. My special day was when I had a football match interschool, on my birthday! We had gone to the Thane Orchid branch to play the matches. When we were travelling no one noticed that it was my birthday. The moment we reached there we rushed in the room and wore our football stockings and studs. I also took my goalkeeping gloves as I was a goalkeeper. We left for the ground. The matches were about to begin. We played and won all the matches! We got gold! I h

How I Learnt There Is No Gain Without Pain. Author : Kshitij Raghuwanshi

  How I Learnt There Is No Gain Without Pain. Author : Kshitij Raghuwanshi Hello there! Today, i was thinking about yesterday. It was the first time i saw a eagle really closely with my binoculars. Yesterday, i saw my first eagle closely. It suffered many times to see this small creature. I fell on my first day. The second day, he sat on my window grill when i ran to see him, he flew off . It took me multiple days to watch that guy, i even broke my right hand once, but i never gived up. Everyday i used to go to the terrace with my binoculars and search him but i never got a good look at him not even once. I was about to give up when my dad said, "Son, eagles are born everyday, you just have to change your way to find them, i you follow this advice, you may see a eagle once at least." So, as my dad said to change my way, did the same, i tried to attract the eagles by food, i kept a fish on a plate on my terrace and i hid behind the door, i noticed eagles were floating above th

A Day Where Everything Went Wrong Author : KUSH SANDEEP HARIANI

  A Day Where Everything Went Wrong Author : KUSH SANDEEP HARIANI Did any of you have a day where everything seemed to go wrong? A day which you felt was the worst day of your life? Almost everyone has one of those once in their life. In this blog I will describe my worst day, a day where everything went wrong. It was a few months ago. I woke up late because of which I was sleepy. I had an exam for my first class, and I got a few questions wrong. Then I had classes without a break till 3pm and I hadn't eaten anything that day. After having lunch which consisted of 'idli'-one of my least favourite foods. Not 30 minutes later, I slipped on the tiles of my house's corridor, and stubbed my toe against the wall. Having a swollen toe only compared to one type of pain I had experienced and that was bacterial gum infection. Thankfully, I did not get the infection a third time. Everyone who knows me knows that I love reading. So what happened next? I accidently permanently delet